Sunday, March 22, 2009

Words of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 22 Mar 2009

Words of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 22 Mar 2009

Firm and solid foundations – fear of the Lord

If we call ourselves sons and daughters of God, then fearing God is a vital foundation in our lives. Fearing God is something that we cannot run away from and something that we must yearn for everyday. To fear God is a sign of true love towards Him. It is absolute obedience, withholding nothing, and choosing God above everything else.

When Pharaoh wanted to kill all the firstborn males of God’s chosen people, the midwives chose to disobey Pharaoh. They could have been killed for what they did. Yet they chose to obey God above everything else. Why? Because they knew who was more powerful that Pharaoh. Today, do we know who the King of all kings is?

Exodus 1:17 The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live.

God honours and blesses those who fear Him. Because the midwives feared God, our Father blessed them with families of their own (Exodus 1:21). I pray that we would be able to spend some time reading the story of the midwives, because their foundations were strong.

Right now in our office, in our day-to-day lives, we have to choose to fear God everyday. When we are tempted to sin, when we are tempted to take shortcuts and cheat, we do not fear God. The battle for our children is to be faithful and disciplined in their schoolwork and exams. We cheat now, we have cheated our future. Will we choose to fear God?

In our careers we have to choose to fear God. Other people may be getting better salaries, better bonuses because they do things that are not based on godly principles. Will we lower our standards so that we can get more money, or will we choose to fear God and receive His blessings?

Fear God and be that example to our family. We cheat now, we take shortcuts, and forget God, and we are laying bad foundations in our families. For those of us who are still single, we must take God seriously now, otherwise weak foundations will be built when we fall in love.

It does not matter our social status, our standard of living, and the type of job we have, fearing God is a must! The Word of God is filled with countless stories of men and women who feared God. They weren’t all famous people. They weren’t all kings and queens. In fact many were ordinary and simple people.

© 2009 Lee Shaun Tzen.


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