Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Words of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 18 Mar 2009

Words of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 18 Mar 2009

Firm and solid foundations – test of faith

Faith is without a doubt a vital pillar in building solid foundations. God allows us to go through trials, obstacles, recessions, and suffering to test our faith. How we respond to trials is vital.

God is going to bless, honour, and use those who have been tested. God uses those that have been tested, those who have grown from their trails, and have overcome. Many of us may be in a current season of trial. Right now this very moment is our opportunity to receive all of God’s blessings. How will we respond to our trail?

Trials in marriage. It breaks my heart to see marriages broken. To see couples give up makes me mad. However, there are a few that have overcome the test of faith. They did not give up on their marriage, despite the pain, the hurt, and suffering. To those of you who have suffered through the storms, who have stood by your spouse faithfully, and never gave up. God is going to bless you today. God is going to use you. God is well pleased.

Raising up difficult children. The very fact that you have given your best, you did not give up on your children, and gave them a relationship with God is worth more than anything. Some children are not easy to raise, especially when they are challenged emotionally, intellectually, and physically. Do not give up! God is going to bless you today. God is going to use you. God is well pleased.

People. People are complicated. This is a fact: God loves us just as much as He loves the people that we don’t like. That is amazing and I hope that we learn something from this. Don’t give up on people, on relationships, over small little conflicts and issues. This is a test of faith. God is going to bless you. God is going to use you. God is well pleased.

How is your faith today? Is it strong? Is it weak? Is it growing? Does it need to be built up? The very fact that we are living through trials and tests are a blessing. Realise that God disciplines and tests those He loves.

Don’t let the enemy distract us. The will of God, the promises of God never return void. No matter how long it may take, no matter the trials, God’s Word remains the same. If we give up on our trials, we just let our enemy win.

I believe that God is encouraging us to strengthen our faith today. What happens tomorrow is unknown that is why we need faith. Faith is hidden strength.

2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Today, what have we fixed our eyes on? Are we too focused on the issues? Are we too focused on the circumstances? I pray that we would fix our eyes on what is unseen, because it is eternal!

© 2009 Lee Shaun Tzen. www.everynation.org.sg

archive: www.shauntzen.blogspot.com

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