Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Words of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 12 Mar 2009

Words of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 12 Mar 2009

Absolutely non-negotiable – learning from our mistakes

Failure is important in life. There are some things in life that we cannot runaway from, and making mistakes is one of them. Today, I pray that we would gain a different perspective, be encouraged to overcome, and to learn from our mistakes. Why? Because it is an absolute non-negotiable.

Proverbs 24:16 for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity.

Stop wallowing. Failure is part of life and we have to stop the pity party, the whining and fighting God. God allows us to go through difficult situations in life, because it tests our character. Through every obstacle, through every storm, through the raging seas, will we still love God? Will we still obey? Or will we give up and lose faith?

Rescue mentality. All parents want the best for their children. However, sometimes parents, aunties, uncles, and friends want to be “superman” and “wonder-woman”. We have to stop coming to our children’s rescue when they fail and make mistakes. God will give us the wisdom and discernment to know when to protect and when we should let them learn from their mistakes.

We pick ourselves up. If we always have people in our lives coming to our rescue when we fail, we will never pick ourselves up. Sometimes we may feel lost, alone, scared, afraid, and doubtful about tomorrow. This is the best time, because there is only one person we need to turn to, there is only one person we need to talk to, and there is only one person we need to obey. GOD.

© 2009 Lee Shaun Tzen.


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