Monday, March 9, 2009

Words of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 9 Mar 2009

Words of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 9 Mar 2009

Absolutely non-negotiable – be a blessing to others

Psalm 5:12 For sure, O Lord, You bless the righteous; you surround them with your favour as with a shield.

Luke 6:28 Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

Imagine what this world would be like if everyone could be a blessing towards others. Being a blessing in this world is an absolute non-negotiable. However, being a blessing sometimes is hard to achieve. If we call ourselves sons and daughters of Christ, then why are we not being a blessing?

We bless others by our words. Our tongue is such a powerful weapon. Everyday is a choice, to speak good words or speak evil towards others. It is time we bless others with our words. We may have many choice words towards others. But being a blessing to others, means we look at them in the eye and all we do is bless. We pray and declare blessings over others.

Actions speak louder. Talk is easy and cheap. It is another thing to do what you say. I pray that we would be people of action. We cannot just bless others by making broken promises. We must take action.

Pray for your enemies. There is power in prayer. I pray that we would be able to pray for our enemies. Speak blessings towards them. Pray for their families, their future, and pray that the Lord Jesus Christ would touch their hearts.

© 2009 Lee Shaun Tzen.


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