Friday, March 13, 2009

Prayers for the youth and marriages – 14 Mar 2009

Prayers for the youth and marriages – 14 Mar 2009

Proverbs 19:27 Stop listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge.

Father, we pray right now for every youth. We pray that they would be faithful and diligent in building their relationship with You. We pray that their foundations would be solid and firm.

Lord, the storms, the trials, the tests, and battles of life come during seasons and times of the unknown. We pray that our youth and children would be able to stand through the tests of time.

The true tests of character are those that will not waver. Those that will not be shaken. Most of all, those that continue to turn their eyes towards You for guidance.

Father, many children have faced trials of their own. Many are bitter and angry towards You. We pray that they would be able to let go. Help them open their eyes, so that they can see their destiny.

Today, we pray that our children would not let their destiny rot away. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

© 2009 Lee Shaun Tzen

In the name of Jesus we pray right now that You would build strong foundations in every marriage. We pray that marriages that are weak and falling apart right now would be shaken by the hand of the Lord.

Father, we pray that we would stop what we are doing and recognize the areas in our lives that we need to fix and work on.

Lord, many couples have built their marriages on the wrong foundations, and on the wrong principles. Today, we pray that You would break these foundations and establish Your solid and firm foundation in our hearts.

Today, we pray that You shake every marriage. Test every marriage, so that we can grow stronger. So that we can continue to surrender our lives to You. So that we will never let You go. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

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