Sunday, December 7, 2008

Words of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 8 Dec 2008

Words of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 8 Dec 2008

Walking on water.

(Please read Matthew 14:22-34)

Every time I read this section of the Bible, I picture myself walking on water towards Jesus. Then I realize we are always walking on water. The question we should ask ourselves is how great is our faith?

This new series is about walking on water everyday. Before we start though we need to know where our faith level is at. Are you still on the boat? Afraid of taking the first step because of fear of failure. Are you walking proudly on water, but when the wind comes you are shaken? We run ahead with full steam, but when the tough gets going, we sink, we give up, the negative pulls us further and further and soon we are drowning.

Are you sinking? If any of us are completely sinking right now, this series is really going to pull you up. These people have been sinking for years. Their issues just keep eating away. Their failure to submit to God, and give up everything. Their negative aroma can be smelt everywhere. Why? Because they have lost complete faith and trust in God.

Finally, those that are walking on water everyday of their lives. There is not a single ounce of fear of the world to cause them to sink. They are not easily distracted. Money, power, fame, relationships with women/men, offence and criticism cannot be measured to the love of God. This is why, these people never sink.

I am excited for this new series, because my faith tells me that many of us, including myself will be those that walk on water everyday.

© 2008 Shaun Lee.


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