Monday, December 8, 2008

Prayers for the youth and marriages – 9 Dec2008

Prayers for the youth and marriages – 9 Dec2008

Job 5:18 For He wounds, but He also binds up; He injures, but His hands also heal.

Proverbs 20:30 Blows and wounds cleanse away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being.

Father, as we pray for the youth today, help us to hear Your voice clearly. In the name of Jesus we pray that every youth would desire to be spiritually wounded by You so that we can grow, mature, and withstand all of life’s trials.

In the name of Jesus we pray for generations of strong sons and daughters who will never shun and fear the enemy. We pray that they would walk with boldness against the enemies attacks.

Most of all though, we pray for a generation that will only care about their relationship with God. In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.

© 2008 Shaun Lee

Father, we thank you that Your blows and wounds cleanse away evil and it causes us to bring out all the garbage inside us. Right now O Lord, we pray for marriages throughout the world. We pray that these marriages would be grounded and built upon Your solid foundations.

Lord, we pray that couples would not fear and run away from working on their marriage to build stronger foundations. Instead, we pray that Your holy and loving hand would pierce the soul and convict us of our sins.

Father, we pray that Your glory would shine today through marriages. Amen.

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