Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Prayers for the youth and marriages – 11 Mar 2009

Prayers for the youth and marriages – 11 Mar 2009

Proverbs 19:27 Stop listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge.

Father, we thank you for every single youth created by You. We pray that the Lord’s fingerprint would be on every single child. From the weakest to the strongest. From the poorest to the richest. From the uneducated to the educated. Lord, we pray that a generation of youth would begin to recognize the value and worth in every single being.

We pray that they would begin to see Christ’s purpose in each life. We pray that our youths would grow to love others the way that You love us.

Father, we pray against jealousy, against false pride, and against selfishness. The world is filled with many corrupted moral values. However, You O Lord are the very foundation of our existence. Today, we declare the will of the Lord be done and forevermore. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

© 2009 Lee Shaun Tzen

Father, we pray that couples would learn how to deal with issues on a spiritually mature level. We pray that You would be in the center of every relationship. Teach us how to be self-controlled. To control our anger, and to pour love as we handle difficult circumstances.

Father, we pray that we would not let the sun go down over arguments. Ephesians 4:26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.”

Lord, give us the wisdom, discernment, and the humility to die to our selfishness. Help us to put ourselves in our spouse’s shoes, to see, to understand, and to feel the hurt and pain. Today, we pray for miracles. We pray for breakthroughs. In Jesus name, amen.

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