Sunday, September 14, 2008

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 15 Sept 2008

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 15 Sept 2008

Giving: Your blessings

It is easy to look at the flaws in people. It is easy to point out mistakes and pull people down. Let me ask you this, is it easy for you to bless your enemy and pray a blessing over them? Today’s word of encouragement is about continually blessing others whether you like them or not.

We live in a world where it is easy to hate, it easy to not care, and it is easy to give up on friendships. In my opinion where the enemy has been most successful is in this area of brewing bitterness, hatred, and dissension. The enemy knows that if he can break up “God purposed relationships” the battle is easier fought. The devil would rather have one lonely, weak and wounded soldier fighting for God than having three UNTIED soldiers fighting.

The Word of God talks about loving your enemies, turning the left cheek. Today, all of us need to take a good and long look in the mirror. It is easy to follow the path of the enemy, he wants us to hate, and he wants us to hold back our blessings.

Maybe today we need to pray a prayer of blessing over those who are closely related to us. Maybe we need to bless your boss, or the competitive and gossiping colleague. You know yourself who you need to bless.

Today, are you going to be small or are you going to be big. Come On!!! We are bigger than this, we are after what God wants us to do, and we don’t play these small games. Let’s bless today not just those who we get along with, but those that persecute and pull us down.

Matthew 5:43-44 You have heard that it was said, “love your neighbor and hate your enemy”. But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

© Sept 2008 Shaun Lee.


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