Sunday, June 1, 2008

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 2 June 2008

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 2 June 2008

Today I begin on another new series: The importance of perseverance.

In my opinion perseverance cannot be imparted, it cannot even be taught, or given as a gift. Perseverance is developed through the testing we face from God and how we come out from it. How we respond to God’s testing is the key.

The survivors from the recent earthquake in China, the survivors of the recent cyclone in Myanmar, all these events will reveal to us those with strong perseverance and those that don’t. Imagine the thousands of little children that have been left as orphans just from these events. At such a young age they have been thrown into the deep end of the ocean, not many children at that age will face this. God has a great destiny for each and every one of these children, and how they respond to these tests will determine so much of their destiny that lies ahead.

This series is based on the life of Joseph (Genesis 37, 39-50). The persecution, the trials, and the testing that God allowed Joseph to go through explains why Joseph stood out amongst the others.

To introduce this new series, today’s word of encouragement is: Stop blaming God for your circumstances. In my opinion it is the saddest thing to see people fall short of fulfilling their dreams, their destiny, because God allowed us to go through the trails and testing.

I pray and hope that we would desire the strength to persevere and to look beyond the circumstances we are in currently. I hope that through this series it will teach us how to persevere through the tough times without giving up.

© June 2008 Shaun Lee.


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