Monday, February 11, 2008

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 12 Feb 2008

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 12 Feb 2008

Ecc.1:18 "For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.”

So often when we look at leaders, wealthy men and women, people of influence, we desire their lifestyle, the limelight, or the power they carry, but we neglect to see what is hidden, and what it takes to get there.

“For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.” As leaders, as sons and daughters of God, I pray we would remember this verse. The two essentials of any leader are wisdom and knowledge. What makes or breaks a leader is simply the ability to handle sorrow and grief. Not many have a tank, a capacity to withstand trials, sorrow, grief, hardship, and failure.

In an article in the Today Newspaper of Singapore, it states that the government of Singapore has already started looking for leaders to lead the next generation. Desperation, the lack of, needles in the haystack, hidden gems, humble men and women, showoffs, proud, self-confident, I wonder if any will lead by the simple fact that their relationship with God is the most important thing in life.

Some of us would read this word and feel that it does not relate to me at all. I’m not a leader, I don’t want that life, and I’m just simple. Well, to you I say that we have all been called to be leaders. Furthermore, we may not lead, but we need to pray for our leaders and the leaders of the next generation.

Today, I pray we ask God for wisdom and knowledge, and the ability to take on sorrow and grief.

© Feb 2008 Shaun Lee

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