Sunday, November 25, 2007

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 26 Nov 2007

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 26 Nov 2007

The feeling of loneliness is one of the greatest fears. Today’s word of encouragement is beating loneliness by one who rescues us. It is a matter of us calling on the name of the Lord, yet most of us still feel alone.

All of us go through, and experience different things in life, it is a matter of find what makes us lonely. For me personally I feel alone when the people closest to me get mad, upset, and irritated at me. To you it could be the feeling of rejection, not getting married, losing a loved one, losing a pet, etc.

There are so many ways I can respond, react, and deal with situations when I feel alone. But there is only one thing that makes a difference. Calling on the name of the Lord, the one who rescues.

But why is it that when we do call on the name of the Lord, we still feel alone? I am not a mind reader, and everyone’s experiences are all different, but when it comes down to it, the main reason why we still feel alone is because: We are wrestling with God, we aren’t at peace with God’s answer, and we want God to solve our loneliness OUR WAY.

Psalm 18:19 He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.

Today, let us give glory to God, and give Him our burdens. Watch and see your life change because He delights in us.

© Nov 2007 Shaun Lee

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