Sunday, November 11, 2007

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 12 Nov 2007

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 12 Nov 2007

Having a balance in life is one of the most common topics used in the business world, in religion, in self-development books, and the list keeps going on. Today’s word of encouragement is about having a balanced life through the most powerful way, Wisdom that comes from the Lord.

Wisdom that comes from the Lord is something worth more than gold, silver, and money cannot even buy it. Each of us has a measure, a portion of the gift of wisdom in us, it is a matter of us actively seeking and using this gift that God has given us.

You know what the saddest thing is? We all have been given this gift but often we don’t exercise this gift. Like anything that we want to master, we must put it into practice; we must actively use it to become good at it. Today let this be an encouragement to exercise the gift of Wisdom that God has given us.

Wisdom that comes from the Lord is not the same as wisdom. I hope we all realize this. There are many wise and extremely smart people on this planet, but there is a difference between that wisdom and wisdom that is from the Lord.

Wisdom from the Lord relates to balance in life through almost every situation we may face in life. Through our actions, if we are offending people, God will give us the wisdom to teach us how to watch our actions. If we are treating people disrespectfully because we are hurt by them, God will give us the wisdom to guide us, so that we do not continue this. God gives us the wisdom to walk in humility, to face persecution, to continue persevering even though we have every right to GIVE UP!

Let today be a mark in our life, to grow the gift of wisdom that God has given us, to fight through every situation we may be facing, even the smallest issues.

Proverbs 16:11 Honest scales and balances are from the LORD; all the weights in the bag are of his making.

Psalm 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.

© Oct 2007 Shaun Lee

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