Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 14 Feb 2008

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 14 Feb 2008

Strong pillars and foundational walls keep “your” house from falling. What are some of the pillars and foundational walls inside us that keep our house strong from falling through the storms, discouragements, and most of all fear?

Three Pillars that I will be focusing on today are: 1) Reading the Word of God daily 2) Praying to God daily 3) Holding on to the promises that God has given to us (Our gifts, talents, and visions of the future) Why are these pillars important, because they all help build the most important pillar—our relationship with God.

Fear is very real and it comes from the enemy. Trials in life are also very real, stress, anger, frustration, the list goes on. If we do not have strong pillars and foundational walls to keep our house strong and sturdy through these storms we could FALL APART, GET DEPRESSED, FEEL ALONE, SCARED, AFRAID OF THE WORLD, AND ABANDON THE PROMISES GOD HAS FOR US, BUT MOST OF ALL ABANDON OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD.

The house, some of our houses look pretty on the outside. Some are wealthy, big, lavish, and decorated with gold and diamonds. Some are plain, simple, and nothing outstanding. No matter how our house may look on the outside, just making sure your house is built on the right foundations is vital.

Simply put, if we neglect one pillar in our DAILY lives, we have just weakened the house—YOU/ME. Today, I hope we will find sometime to look at our house, are there any weak pillars? Are there any cracks in our foundational walls? It is time we take action in building our relationship with God.

Ezra 3:11 With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the LORD: "He is good; his love to Israel endures forever." And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid.

© Feb 2008 Shaun Lee


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