Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 8 Nov 2007

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 8 Nov 2007

Plant the seed, water the seed, and give it time to grow! The people that we build with, working at our flaws, fine-tuning our gifts, and dealing with sin issues in our lives are all areas of planting the seed. We have to find good soil, people, putting boundaries in our lives, being accountable in order for these seeds to grow.

Today’s word of encouragement is watering the seeds. It is pointless to know that you have to work on these areas to grow, to mature, to develop your gifts, to deal with your sin issues, etc. But what is the point of planting the seeds if you don’t want to water them? Watering the seeds is like the farmer who tends to his field everyday, waiting patiently for the harvest to come. Watering our seeds, is taking the effort! But we take the effort because we know that it will produce fruits, fruits which will be lasting for our lives in the long run.

Most of us want a quick fix, so we don’t have to deal with the pain, but it is through the pain, which we develop along the process. God is more concern with our character, and development.

Today, let us not only plant the seeds, but water them, nurture them, so that they will become fruitful and bear fruit.

Mark 4:14-20 The farmer sows the word. 15 Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. 16Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. 17But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 18Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; 19but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. 20 Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown."

© Oct 2007 Shaun Lee

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