Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Prayers for the youth and marriages – 2 Apr 2009

Prayers for the youth and marriages – 2 Apr 2009

Ecclesiastes 11:6 Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well.

Righteous attitude: Father, we pray that our children would be pleasing in Your eyes, because they carry the Lord’s fingerprint. We pray right now that our children would be motivated to work on their character and attitude. We pray that they will have hearts that will not tolerate anything lower than righteous.

Hearts that will persevere: We pray that our youth would be persevering and not lazy. We pray that they would respond well to the tests of life. We pray that they would be encouraged and not discouraged. Don’t give up!

Hearts that care: Father, we pray that our children would be selfless. We pray that they would care for the broken, the weak, and hurting. We pray that they would be able to see and discern the things that our Lord sees.

Fullness of life through you: Father, we pray that our children would be able to have fullness of life. We pray for those that are currently facing difficulties in life. We pray that they would rise to the challenge. We pray that they would be grateful for the tests of life that You give us.

Honouring You always: Father, most of all though, we pray that our children would always honour and respect You. We pray that they would always be thankful for everything that You have given to us. Lord, today we pray that our children would be excited for the life that You are giving.

© 2009 Lee Shaun Tzen

Faithful to the end: Father, we pray right now that every marriage would be based on this principle. Help us be faithful to each other till the end. No matter how hard, the differences, the fighting, we will not let the enemy win.

Persevering through the storms: Father, we pray that every couple, every godly husband and wife would be known as Your children because they do not give up so easily. Give us discernment and wisdom. We pray against abuse and torture that is not righteous. Lord, help us through the difficult times. We pray that Your glory would reign and rule.

Hearts focused on the Lord: Lord, we pray right now that every marriage would have hearts that are focused on You. We pray against distractions. We pray against hearts that easily waver upon their convictions. Today, we pray for righteousness to stand firm in our lives.

Parents that parent: Father, we pray that every parent would recognise the importance and value in parenting. This is such a precious responsibility that You have given to us. Father, when we fail to disciple our own children we are letting the world disciple them. We pray that we would not let the enemy disciple them.

Sacrifices: Finally, we pray that we would value sacrifices in life. We pray that our marriage would be based on sacrifice and not on selfishness. Today, we pray that a difference can take place. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

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