Thursday, December 6, 2007

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 7 Dec 2007

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 7 Dec 2007

24 days till it will be 2008. Time has flown by so quickly it is unbelievable. We have weathered through the storms, running at full steam without stopping, the pressure valve is ticking away, and we have weathered through the storm.

Though time does not stop, seasons do come and go. Four seasons, leaves die and are reborn every year. So how does this all relate?

We can’t run away from the storms of life. In fact we should expect storms. But God has given us seasons, a time of being born, and a time of dying, through Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Trees weather through the storms; it is only their leaves that die each year and are reborn.

How is your tree today? The storms have come and have gone, but I wonder, are our leaves still dead on our tree? They seem to be all dried up, brown, shriveled up, and still hanging on for dear life.

The Lord is saying to us, LET GO of some of the past hurts, pains, broken relationships, financial issues, desires, LET THEM GO! Watch and see, as they fall off our trees, new leaves will be born.

I will praise you Father no matter what I face.

Isaiah 54:10 Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you.

© Dec 2007 Shaun Lee

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