Friday, September 7, 2007

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 8 Sep 2007

Romans 16:19 Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.

Today’s word of encouragement comes from Romans 16:19, which is, The importance of protecting and building the next generation. The enemy has a foothold in media, robbing the minds of the youth, which is why it is so important that we as parents—parent our children. Furthermore, it is because of what the enemy is capable of doing through media that it is vital that we are discipling the youth. Discipleship is key in the teenage years, these young men and women are growing and learning absorbing knowledge, if we do not disciple them, then MTV will disciple them, movies will disciple them, the list goes on.

Let us all today look at the youth with a different perspective. Yes it is important that the youth work hard at school and do well, but let us not neglect mentoring and guiding them through discipleship. Building good habits, reading the Word of God Daily, and we are able to keep their minds innocent of what is evil.

We all have the power to disciple the youth of the next generation. Each one has been designed, created by our Father for a unique purpose and plan. They are already the Future leaders!!! Let us make a commitment to provide Godly wisdom to them, and protect their innocence of what is evil as Romans 16:19 clearly states. We hold the key that can unlock the hearts of the youth, plant the seed, water the seed, and let God do the rest! By: Shaun

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