Thursday, September 6, 2007

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 6 Sep 2007

We live in a world where everything is at your fingertips. The pace of life seems to get faster and faster as the days go by. Isn’t it amazing that there are only 110 days left before Christmas, and 121 days left till the new year? Before we know it and with a blink of an eye it will already be 2008.

As time has flown, I just felt compelled to ask myself during my quiet time, what have I done with my time since the beginning of this year? It is amazing to reflect and see where God has taken us, through this journey called life. Today let us focus our eyes on God and answer these questions, what have I not done with my time? And with the remainder of 2007 before us all, what are we going to do with that time?

Today’s word of encouragement is “rest”. There is so much that needs to be done, and there will be many challenges ahead that God will test us, and stretch us; however, through all that, God says, “rest my son, rest my daughter.”

The pace of life is fast, the burdens of life may seem heavy, and the stress of day to day life may seem to convulse us to the point of weakness. But all our Father says is rest. Who is in control, God or you?

In Psalm 62:5 the Word of God says to us all, “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.”-- By: Shaun

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