Friday, September 14, 2007

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 14 Sep 2007

As we come to the end of another week, let us reflect upon our week and seek God. Today's word of encouragement is about doing something about the promises that God has given to each of us.

Imagine how great our Father is, He gave each of us gifts, talents, and promises all for what cost? But today's word of encouragement is strategic and focused. We all need to start asking God how we can take action, do something about the promises He has given us.

There are three things that God wants us to be reminded about in taking action with our promise that He has given us. Firstly claim your promises, thank God always and give glory to Him. The Second thing is Surrender and walk in Lordship. We must humble ourselves to walk effectively, to be used effectively, because no longer are we driven by our own agendas but our Fathers.

The third thing is vital. Through the Bible it was clear where many Kings, leaders, great men went wrong. They did not disciple and impart their gifts to the next generation. We must learn from their mistakes. Our promises that God has given to us, is only good for a lifetime . What happens to the work after we are dead? God's work in each of us MUST continue. Therefore, we must train and equip the next generation, impart all the wisdom, knowledge, secrets, and talents that God has given to us and give it to the next generation.

Prayer : Father, your word says to us in 2 Corin 4:18 "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." Lord, may this verse be a reminder to us all that the promises that you have given to us is beyond measure, is beyond what the world can define. We humble ourselves before you, and claim our promises. In Your Name, we pray that we will take action with all that you have given to us. Help us Sir! Time goes bye day by day, Lord wake us up! Father, let us hear you, let us see your burdens for your people. Jesus, we praise your name always. Amen.

© Sept 2007 Shaun Lee

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