Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Words of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 17 Feb 2010

Words of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 17 Feb 2010

Reshaping this world-what will your choice be

Is it possible to make a difference in this world? It takes one person to make a difference. One choice, one decision, and one action. Today, let us constantly walk in the will of God; by doing so we will hear exactly what our Lord wants us to do. We have a choice to care or we can simply choose to ignore Him.

To some of us the barriers seem high and mighty. It is virtually impossible to see, to believe, to fulfil-so we give up. For some money is an issue. Does it seem like everything we want to do for our Lord relates to money? I pray we would keep our eyes on our Lord, because our Lord does not need us to make money to achieve His will.

To some we know exactly what we are to do, we know exactly what our Lord wants us to do, but for some reason to get from point A to point B seems to take all of eternity. Will we give up? Will we cut our destiny short? Will we stop praising our Lord because it is so difficult to get to our destination?

Joshua 22:3 For a long time now-to this very day-you have not deserted your brothers but have carried out the mission the Lord your God gave you.

What will it be said of you? Will we be known as a person who carried out the mission the Lord gave? Will we be known as the person who fell short because the going got tough?

� 2010 Lee Shaun Tzen. www.everynation.org.sg

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