Friday, February 19, 2010

Prayers for the youth and marriages ~ 20 Feb 2010

Prayers for the youth and marriages ~ 20 Feb 2010

1 Corinthians 12:26 If one suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it.

Father, we pray for our children today. Thank you for their lives. Thank you for giving them to us. Help us to focus our time right now to pray for their needs.

Lord, we pray that our children would focus on building their faith. Many children are facing difficult seasons right now, they do not know where to turn, and they feel alone because they do not know You.

Father, we pray that youths all over the world would focus on building their relationship with You. Many need You right now, Lord we pray and count it a blessing that You would use us to be shepherds to our youth.

Right now we pray for great shepherds who will lead by example. We pray that You would protect their lives. Protect their minds and hearts. We pray that we would flee from sin always on a daily basis.

Lord, thank you so much. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

Father, we pray for every marriage right now. We pray that couples would continue to strengthen their relationship with You. Today, the word of encouragement is to focus on prayer.

Father, we pray that couples would take time out of their busy lives to build a healthy habit of praying together.

Teach us Father. We pray that we would submit to You, so that we would want to desire more and more of You Lord.

We pray that our homes and families would be a house of prayer. One that is centered around You Lord, and not on anything else.

Lord, You are our King. Today, we pray that marriages would be strengthened because we took time to talk with You. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

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