Thursday, October 1, 2009

Words of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 2 Oct 2009

Words of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 2 Oct 2009

Why is there injustice upon me?

Psalm 31:18 Let their lying lips be silenced, for with pride and contempt they speak arrogantly against the righteous.

As I begin this new series, God has placed a great burden on my heart to encourage those who have gone through, experienced, or may be currently facing some form of injustice. Whatever storm we are facing, GOD KNOWS!!! We may be asking God: why am I being wrongly accused? Why is there injustice when I have done nothing wrong? Why are You O God putting me through this suffering?

THERE ARE ONLY TWO RESPONSES IN HANDLING INJUSTICE. We either recognise that God is putting us through these trying times for a reason, for a purpose, and we are being used by God. Or, we will be bitter, angry, hateful, and short-sighted.

I am excited because I know that our lives, each one of us, will be changed through this series. In order for this series to be affective, we must give everything to God. Lay everything at the foot of the cross. Otherwise, we will not be able to receive, see, and understand what God is doing right now through the storms of life.

There are going to be more storms ahead. Some storms we are well prepared and we have the shield of protection on us. Other storms we may not be so confident and even our Lord may seem so distant and unresponsive. As we go through this series, I believe God is going to

� 2009 Lee Shaun Tzen.


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