Sunday, July 29, 2007

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 30 July 2007

As we head into a new week, it is amazing to see how fast time passes. Before we know it, 5 years will pass, and then 10. Time is really very short, maybe this is a good time for us to really start taking action. Some of us, have had desires to go on missions trips, but never did so because of work or family. Some of us, wanted to pick up a new sport or play a new instrument, but never did because there was just no time. Some of us want to rebuild old friendships that were lost, either through fights, un-forgiveness, or just simply lost touch. Some of us, still hold on to past hurts, either hurt relationships, from husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, and siblings. Some of us still have issues with people from different cultures and races. All of these issues have many things in common, but one in particular I want to address, “Stop making excuses!”

Making excuses is finding an easy way out of dealing with an issue. The more we make excuses, the bigger our bag of rubbish in our lives gets. As I prayed for today’s word of encouragement, I wanted to hold back, because I know many of us will get offended at this tone, and language. At this point, some of us would say, “Well talk is easy, but to live with those past hurts it is not easy to let go.” Or some of us may say, “I don’t know how to let go, it hurts so much.” The answer to all this, “Stop making excuses.” Believe me, I know that God is speaking to me as well, in this area of making excuses, and running away from issues. But if we keep making excuses, I don’t think we would ever change our old ways.

God is sovereign over any past hurt. God is greater than any offense; God loves us more than any human being can. Bottom line is if we are still living in hurt, still living in the past, still living with making excuses, we have not placed God above all. Today’s word of encouragement ties in with yesterday’s on chopping down our tree. If we don’t chop our tree, we will never grow, and more importantly we will never bear fruit. Jesus prunes our tree, to make us grow stronger, and bear more fruit. I pray that we would be encouraged today to completely surrender our lives to God, and allow Jesus to prune our tree.

John 15:2, Our Father says to us all, “He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” I pray today, we would allow Jesus to begin the work in us, allowing Him to prune our branches of hurt so that it will become a branch that will bear fruit.

By: Shaun Lee

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