Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 18 Jul 07

Have you ever found yourself complaining? Today’s word of encouragement is to be able to catch yourself when you are off guard, when you find yourself complaining, putting others down, mocking, and belittling. This leads to this important factor which so many neglect and take for granted, the importance and power of praying for your leaders.

It starts with your family, the importance of praying for wisdom, righteousness and that God will lead and directly fathers is so important. If we cannot even pray for our own father, then most likely we are not praying for our leaders in other areas. It is vital that we pray for our pastors, our world leaders, our teachers, and bosses, because we are all flawed, we are imperfect. Today, instead of putting them down, even our own father’s, instead of talking behind their back, or complaining, let us bless, let us pray words of encouragement instead. Sometimes talking is easy, talking about problems is easy, but put yourself in their shoes, and you’ll realize it is not that easy.

As we pray for our leaders, let us declare this verse in Proverbs 21:1, “The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.” Let God direct all our leaders from our families, to our workplace, in our church, government leaders, and even on the streets, watch and see through our prayers lives will be transformed.

By: Shaun Lee

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