Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 14 May 2008

Word of Encouragement for Every New Day ~ 14 May 2008

Security and Identity in Christ: Recognize your sin. What are the foundational building blocks to building a strong sense of security and identity in Christ? No matter where we are at right now with our personal relationship with God, it is vital that we constantly guard our hearts and self-check. The moment we let our guard down, we will be prone to the enemy’s attack.

Writing this series has made me realize the importance in understanding the meaning of having an identity in Christ. Having an identity in Christ means that God defines me and no one else.

Recognizing our weaknesses, our flaws, our sin, is the first step. The foundation of INSECURITY is an unwillingness to recognize that we are sinning, stubbornness to repent and surrender everything to God. It is easy to recognize insecurity, because we keep apologizing, but we still fall to the same sin over and over again.

The greatest example of insecurity in the bible is King Saul. (1 Samuel 9-15) The very foundation of King Saul’s character was insecurity. Even when he was chosen he doubted himself, he hid himself because he wanted to see peoples’ reaction first. He was more concerned by what people thought of him than what God thought of him, he disobeyed God’s commands because he valued pleasing men more than God. Saul failed to recognize his sin.

God is love and God is a just God, the choice is really up to us to decided whether we want to recognize our sins or not. What is your choice going to be today?

I encourage you to read 1 Samuel 9-15, it is through Saul’s life that we can understand the power of having an identity in Christ and not in man.

© Apr 2008 Shaun Lee. www.everynation.org.sg

archive: www.shauntzen.blogspot.com

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